The first two days are a research school

Monday 26th June 2023

      Time           Speaker     Title and content
09:00-09:15 LIKE23 committee Welcome address
09:15-10:30 James Hensman Two tales of orthogonality

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10:30-11:00 Coffee break
11:00-11:45 Sarah Filippi Bayesian Nonparametric Mixture Model: an application to pharmaceutical manufacturing

☒ This talk was not recorded.
11:45-12:15 Chifaa Al Dahik Gaussian process prediction for a cyclone application using adapted kernels

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12:15-13:30 Lunch break
13:45-15:00 Danica Sutherland (Deep) Kernel Mean Embeddings for Representing and Learning On Distributions

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15:00-15:45 George Wynne Kernel mean embeddings meets functional data analysis

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15:45-16:15 Coffee break
16:15-17:00 Mickaël Binois Kernels for high-dimensional Gaussian process modeling

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17:00-17:30 Discussions

Tuesday 27th June 2023

      Time           Speaker     Title and content
09:00-10:15 Seth Flaxman &
Elizaveta Semenova
Emulating and aggregating GPs with PriorVAE and πVAE: deep generative models to enable scalable MCMC inference and define a novel stochastic process

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10:15-10:45 Coffee break
10:45-11:30 Henry Moss Scalable Gaussian Processes when you don't just care about Regression

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11:30-12:00 Noé Fellmann Sensitivity analysis on (excursion) sets based on kernel embedding of random sets

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12:00-13:30 Lunch break
13:30-14:45 Sebastien Da Veiga Optimal maximum mean discrepancy quantization with clustering penalties on the sparse simplex

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14:45-15:15 Discussions
15:15-16:00 Coffee break
16:00-16:45 Nicolas Durrande Gaussian Process Ensembles and the Bayesian Committee Machine

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16:45-17:45 Viacheslav Borovitskiy &
Alexander Terenin
Geometric Gaussian Processes

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The three last days are a workshop

Wednesday 28th June 2023

      Time           Speaker     Title and content
09:00-09:45 Tim Sullivan Learning linear operators: Infinite-dimensional regression as a well-behaved non-compact inverse problem
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09:45-10:30 Zoltan Szabo Kernel Cumulant Embedding
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10:30-11:00 Coffee break
11:00-11:45 Olivier Roustant High-dimensional additive Gaussian process under monotonicity constraints
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11:45-12:30 Iain Henderson Physics-informed gaussian processes and kernels : some recent results
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12:30-14:00 Lunch break
14:00-14:45 Boumediene Hamzi Kernel Flows and Kernel Mode Decomposition for Learning Dynamical Systems from Data
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14:45-15:30 Dario Azzimonti Gaussian processes for choice data
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15:30-16:00 Coffee break
16:00-16:45 Heishiro Kanagawa Controlling moments with kernel Stein discrepancies
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16:45-17:30 Ti John Learning from the dual parameterization
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Thursday 29th June 2023

      Time           Speaker     Title and content
09:00-10:00 Wolfgang Polonik Inference in topological data analysis
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10:00-10:30 Coffee break
10:30-11:15 Anthea Monod Topological Gaussian Process Regression to Predict Clinical Outcome in GBM Patients (online)
11:15-12:00 Bastian Rieck A Primer on Multi-Scale Topological Kernels
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12:00-13:30 Lunch
13:30-14:15 Mikolaj Kasprzak A Fourier Representation of Kernel Stein Discrepancy with Application to Goodness-of-Fit Tests for Measures on Infinite Dimensional Hilbert Spaces
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14:15-15:00 Johanna Ziegel Characteristic kernels on Hilbert spaces, Banach spaces, and on sets of measures
15:00-15:15 Short break
15:15-16:00 Jean Carlo Guella Hilbert space embeddings of independence tests in 2 and several variables
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Friday 30th June 2023

      Time           Speaker     Title and content
09:00-09:45 Andrew Duncan Kernel Based Testing in High Dimensions: Shedding some light on hyperparameter-induced Phase Transitions
09:45-10:30 Pierre-Cyril Aubin-Frankowski Kernels and optimization: Hilbert vs tropical, kernel Sum-of-Squares, optimal control, c-concavity and representer theorems
10:30-11:00 Coffee break
11:00-11:45 George Wynne Bayes Hilbert Spaces for Posterior Approximation
11:45-12:30 Danica Sutherland Conditional Independence Regularizers with Kernel Embeddings
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